Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

Phobias Keep You Safe

A phobia is defined as an irrational fear. There are hundreds of them.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women

Hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliophobia - fear of long words

Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing an erect penis

Placophobia - fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - fear of the number thirteen

Xerophobia - fear of dryness

Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat

...to pick out just a handful of mostly little known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. That's an odd claim to make. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias are. And experiencing a terror of an object or circumstance that others don't have any problem with is likely to make life uncomfortable at the very least. But let's have a look at this whole phobia issue.

Snakes, spiders, and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be lethal. But chimpanzees even go ape at a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being frightened of snakes makes more sense than not being frightened of snakes. Spiders too can be poisonous, so it makes sense to give them a wide berth too. Needles hurt so why not want to avoid having someone stick one in you and either suck blood out, or pump something in.

Fear of the dark. Well you can't see if there's any danger in the dark and in the dark danger (bear, wolf, lion, hyena, plague infested rat) has a better chance of getting up close to you. So it makes sense to want to keep a light on (have a fire burning) all night.

So you can see already that some phobias might have origins in our evolutionary past. And panicking or screaming or generally making a fuss would be of benefit to the whole tribal group alerting them of danger in much the way that one or two individuals in a flock or a herd will give an alarm call when they spot a predator on the prowl.

The only problem is that with a phobia, the reaction has gotten a little out of hand. The scale of it has gone beyond what is necessary, that's all.

But then there are the agoraphobics and social phobics. Phobias like these actually make a person's world very small and very frightening. But if you feel uncertain of yourself and have low self-esteem then the phobia provides a legitimate reason to avoid being out and having to interact with others. So the phobia, uncomfortable though it is, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, benefits or not, that when you are confronted with the thing that terrifies you, when you have to go on holiday and spend several hours trapped in an aeroplane convinced you are going to die, and then spend a fortnight looking forward to the terror of the return, you experience a very real Hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all sense goes out of the window and life becomes something that you'd readily give up rather than face that thing that frightens you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that debilitating, anything that has that much power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind is something to be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what's the difference between a phobia and a fear. I've handled snakes and enjoyed it, they are amazing creatures. But hand me a cobra and I'd back away with some trepidation. I don't have a problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I'd be seriously panicked if a black widow was crawling up my arm. This is a normal healthy, sensible reaction. Panicking because you are told there is a snake in a bag in the next room isn't. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider into your mind is abnormal.

A phobia fills your mind and there is nothing there but a desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia brings on symptoms almost identical to their actual physical presence. Often when phobias are treated the sufferer is asked to score the severity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is feeling just ever so slightly uncomfortable. If the score isn't 8 or above, then there is a strong likelihood that there is no phobia. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, but it does mean the treatment could be different. Most people can handle fears up to level 7, above that it takes over the mind completely.

But it is all in the mind.

That's why a phobia is one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to fix. I'll tell you quickly one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble up a phobic image. It's generally known as the five-minute phobia cure. Let's say arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, is the problem. The sufferer is asked to picture a spider in their mind and then put a funny hat on it, say a clown's hat with a big bobble on the top. Then you could put bright yellow Wellington boots on each of its eight legs, and maybe give it a big red nose. And you play around with the image until you see a smile or a laugh. It's just a question of finding the right elements that trigger a humorous response. You can't laugh and be frightened simultaneously.

What this does is interfere with the thought pathways that lead to a fear response when an image of a spider is encountered (imagined or real), so the neurons that used to fire so readily on presentation of that image can't do so, or can't do so without other neurons also firing that lead to a relaxation response. The more scrambled and the more humorous you can make the image, the more powerful the 'cure'.

Dental Phobia - Putting an End to Dental Phobia

What is dental phobia?

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.

Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavorable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

The questions below will give you some idea as to whether you suffer from dental phobia. It is advisable to continue reading in the event that you answer yes to any of the questions. You should feel encouraged that there are many ways to combat dental phobia and the success rate in managing dental phobia is significantly high.

* Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?

* Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?

* Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?

* Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?

* Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?

* Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?

* Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?

* Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you can not breathe correctly?

* Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?

Why are you affected by dental phobia?

Dental phobia can come about for many different reasons. Below is a list of those reasons described most often by people. You may be familiar with some of these.

* A previously unpleasant visit to a dental practice. This could be for many reasons including careless remarks made to you by a dentist or hygienist that adversely affected your dental experience.

* You have heard concerning stories from friends and family regarding visits to the dentist.

* You have seen or read sensationalized and frightening depictions in the media of dentists.

* You feel a lack of control in the dental chair that makes the situation uncomfortable.

* You feel very self conscious about the poor state of your teeth and as a result are embarrassed to highlight the fact with dental staff.

* You have a negative feeling at the thought of visiting a dentist due to their use of dental gowns, masks, and latex gloves.

How do you put an end to your dental phobia?

1. Dental fear can be overcome.

Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.

2. A suitable dentist.

It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.

3. Be honest with your dentist.

There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.

4. Good communication.

Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signaling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.

5. Knowledge.

Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.

6. Relaxation techniques.

Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.

7. Distraction techniques.

Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.

8. Predictable pain control.

Local anesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.

A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.

If you are interested in dental phobia then simply consult your dentist for more information.

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